What To Ask When Getting New Alarm Systems Installed In Your Store

Posted on: 1 March 2016

If you are opening up a store, before your ribbon cutting ceremony, you should make sure that your store, employees, and customers are properly protected. This includes having a proper fire alarm system installed. Look for fire alarm systems for sale and a firm that can provide proper installation (like A-Best Fire and Security Incorporated or a similar location). Though you may be interested by the glitz and glamour of new model fire and security alarms, you want to pick systems that provide necessary protection and will not end up being a liability.
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Mistakes That Can Jeopardize Your Business's Security

Posted on: 18 November 2015

The last way you want is to find out that your business has security holes is by having an expensive and reputation-damaging security breach. To prevent this from happening, you will need to become aware of the common mistakes businesses make when securing their buildings and training their employees. Not Securing Every Level When you are designing the security of your business, you will not only need to factor in the ground level and front door, but also make sure that the upper levels are secure.
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3 Types Of Security Guard Services To Consider

Posted on: 13 April 2015

Security guard services come in a variety of different types, with services that are appropriate for everything from bodyguard services to government functions. Among the most useful types of security guard services available are residential, corporate, and armed security. Residential Residential security guard services are typically hired by alarm companies that want to ensure that there is a quick follow-up to any alarms that go off from one of their clients' homes.
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