After The Break-In: Protecting Yourself From A Second Attempt
Posted on: 28 October 2016
When you experience a home break in, you may be determined to ensure that it doesn't happen again. The sad fact is that one successful break-in may lead a thief to target you and your home again. Here are some ways to protect yourself.
Step 1: Consult a Locksmith
The first step is to have a locksmith visit your home and suggest improvements to your security. The first thing they may do is change all of your locks if there was a chance that the burglar had a spare key. They might suggest stronger locks for your doors as well. One example would be to install an electronic lock and home automation system. This allows you to see when people come in and out of the house remotely, can set alerts that tell you when an unexpected entry may have occurred. With home automation, you could also lock your doors remotely in case you forget as you go out the door.
Step 2: Protect Your Identity
If there's any chance that a thief got a hold of personal information, then it's time to do some work to protect your identity. The first step would be to call your bank to cancel cards, place a hold on accounts that could be affected, and put out a general fraud alert that tells vendors to be more careful about accepting transactions from your accounts. Changing your most important passwords is another good protective step.
Step 3: Fight Back Online
If an attacker got a hold of some of your devices, such as a computer or phone, then you might be able to buy some software to scare the attacker. For instance, some software allows you to sound a siren remotely after stealthily installing it onto your missing device. Other software allows you to lock the device without a pin or even display a message on the device. Although this type of tactic works best before the device is stolen, some products may be installed after the fact; it's a good way to let your attacker know that you aren't going to be an easy target next time.
Step 4: Get Adequate Insurance
Finally, you may have discovered through the ordeal that you don't have adequate insurance coverage. Renter's insurance or homeowner's insurance can certainly help cover your belongings in case of these kinds of attacks. You may also want to insure your vehicle with comprehensive auto insurance or theft insurance in case an attacker finds you there.